Norway’s National Bird: The White-throated Dipper

Most countries in the world has chosen a national bird; a single species of bird that is representing the entire country. Norway is no different, and we chose our national bird already in 1963 when the national TV broadcaster (NRK) had a huge public vote for it.

Norway’s national bird is the white-throated dipper, called fossekall in Norwegian. The reason for it being the national bird is that the bird is able to survive in a barren environment by using ingenuity, something many consider to be representative of Norwegians.

White-throated Dipper
The White-throated Dipper is Norway’s national bird. Photo published with permission.

One of the things that make the white-throated dipper special is that it has its nest behind waterfalls. If you’re very lucky, you might see a white-throated dipper dive into a waterfall to get to its nest.

The bird is pretty common in all of Norway, and you find it in small rivers and streams. It feeds on small crustaceans and other invertebrates that live in these streams and rivers, and will dive down for a few seconds to catch the prey.

When it dives down, it goes to the bottom, then kind of walks along the bottom to look for its prey. While doing this, it uses its wings to get forward motion, and it’s a very unique sight.

A White-throated Dipper
The White-throated Dipper is Norway’s national bird. Photo published with permission.

How to find white-throated dippers

Do you want to see Norway’s national bird with your own eyes when visiting Norway? If so, then look for small streams and rivers, and keep your eyes and ears open.

The white-throated dipper is actually pretty common, and you can often find one if you pay attention whenever you walk along smaller streams. You usually see them resting on small rocks over the water in the stream, scouting for potential prey.

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